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Start: Willkommen


Welcome! Bonan tagon! 

We are a newly founded and registered association in 2021, which so far consists of eight motivated people between the ages of 23 and 55. We have teamed up with the aim of strengthening the rural area of the Lüneburg Heath on various levels. Our name thus reflects our desire to actively promote ecological as well as social and cultural aspects on site. We therefore do not want to focus too much on one area, but follow a holistic view. As you can see from the small self-portrayal texts of our members, we are a group of people with very diverse interests and strengths. This bonus benefits us in brainstorming, planning and implementing the planned campaigns. However, we will carry out all our future actions together under the principle of openness, respect, courage, honesty and ecological compatibility. The preservation and promotion of nature and the promotion of cross-border humanity are very important to us. At the same time, we want to reduce the gap in social progress between rural and urban areas. 

If you are wondering about the second language of our website, look under the explanation of the project "Esperanto Information Cabinet" and your wonder will turn into knowledge.

The action day of the nature park on November 13, 2021 was our first joint public appearance. You can find more about our current and past campaigns and projects under the appropriate heading.

Start: Über uns

For a long time we thought about what name would be best for our association. With the name we want to reflect the goals of the association well and yet not fall back on an old trope. After much brainstorming and discussion, we realized that we couldn't find a satisfactory name that adequately reflects the various levels of rural development we are aiming for. We don't want to focus too much on the ecological or social level, for example, so that we don't suggest that the cultural level, for example, is less important. We deliberately chose the name "multidimensional" to express our wish. 

Our previous projects do not yet reveal the broad spectrum of our goals. We have defined these in the Articles of Association as:  

-     promotion of youth and elderly care;  

-     promotion of arts and culture;  

-     Promotion of nature conservation and landscape management within the meaning of the Federal Nature Conservation Act and the nature conservation laws of the federal states, environmental protection including climate protection, coastal protection and flood protection;  

-     Promotion of help for refugees, promotion of help for people who are discriminated against because of their gender identity or their gender orientation;  

-     the promotion of an international attitude, tolerance in all areas of culture and the idea of international understanding;  

-     promoting animal welfare;  

-     promoting equality between women and men;  

-     promoting sport (chess is considered a sport);

-     Promote local beautification  

We think that it is important to strengthen the region at many different levels in order to make a holistic contribution to positive development. We also hope that we can make suggestions for other people who then want to get involved in their own areas of interest and thus progress step by step on a common path.

Start: Über uns

Wir setzen uns für die Sichtbarkeit, Akzeptanz und die Möglichkeiten von queeren Menschen im ländlichen Raum ein. Durch Projekte wollen wir der Diskriminierung entgegenwirken, aber auch Räume zur Vernetzung, Informationserhalt und Kooperation öffnen.

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Multidimensional registered association

Evendorf Dorfstrasse 42

21272 Egestorf

Telephone: +49 (0) 176 20103740



authorized representative A. Schneiders

Registration number: VR 201882

Registration court: Lüneburg

Learn more
Start: Impressum
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